
Has the title been spelled wrong all this time?..

Monday, June 16, 2014

Update #1

I have received some very disturbing letters from Brody lately. At first, I thought he was just going insane, but it turns out, he was trying to send me a message. None of his letters made sense. He was use incorrect grammar and spell things wrong. He would even reference events that would never happen. It took weeks, but I finally deciphered the message. All it said was, "They ran out of gravy, please get me out of here." With that, I am off to save my crazy buddy!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

How are you? It's been a while...

It has been a long while since the last update, and let me just say from the bottom of our hearts, we're sorry. Anyway, as you probably know, SUE has officially been destroyed, you know, even more than last time, and Brody had to be admitted into an earth insane asylum due to the immense grief he felt over the loss of his gopher army. I am sorry to say that you will probably not hear much from Brody as he has been forbidden from using technology due to the incident involving various youtube personas. I hope to keep you readers informed on Brody's progress but no promises...

 Rest in Pieces, Gopher Army, rest in pieces...